We believe cannabis has the power to bring us into the present moment to shatter the boundaries of our limited sense of reality.

We created Skyrose to help people relax, go with the flow and experience the interconnectedness of everything - to awaken liberation through the majesty of our senses.

Jenny Hindes, Skyrose founder & CEO

From the sun-drenched hills of California to the lush landscapes of Hawaii and Maine, Jenny Hindes' life has been a profound journey of connection, growth, and transformation. Her story begins at the tender age of 12, when a Vision Quest led by the Lakota in California unveiled her deep bond with nature and ignited a lifelong curiosity for healing, plants, and living in harmony with Mother Earth.

Embracing this newfound connection, Jenny ventured to Hawaii at 17, where she began farming cannabis and native crops on Kanaka Maoli lands. This period marked physical and spiritual growth, as she nurtured the land and forged a deeper understanding of our natural world.

Jenny's quest for knowledge led her to explore advanced early childhood education in Resources for Infant Educarers (R.I.E.). Here, she delved into the philosophy that conscious living starts within a mother’s womb and is fostered through children’s connection to nature. This belief shaped her approach to both parenting and teaching, underscoring the importance of a holistic connection with the environment from a young age.

Her journey continued as she worked with experts across various disciplines, including permaculture, natural building, biodynamic farming, plant medicine, as well as Indigenous purification & healing ceremonies. Each experience enriched her understanding and appreciation for our Earth's gifts, especially in healing and therapeutic modalities.

Over the last 25 years, Jenny has been a legacy cannabis grower, a testament to her dedication and passion for plant medicine. Her entrepreneurial spirit also led her to establish GreenMead Farm in New York's Hudson Valley. Here, she obtained a large parcel of land, producing organic vegetables and flowers, all while raising three children as a single mother. This endeavor is a reflection of her resilience and commitment to sustainable living.

Jenny's journey also took her to Maine, where she owned two cannabis farms. In Maine, she delved deep into the teachings of living soils, enriching the land and reinforcing her bond with our earth. Over the years, as a legacy grower, she navigated moments of danger and risky legacy marketplaces with grace. As a woman in this industry, she faced unique challenges but overcame them by cultivating strong, trusting relationships within the legacy cannabis community.

Jenny Hindes' life is a testament to the power of connection — with nature, with community, and with oneself. Her story is one of resilience, growth, and an unyielding commitment to living in harmony with Mother Earth. Her legacy as a farmer, educator, and entrepreneur continues to inspire those who seek a deeper connection within themselves, their community and the land they live upon.

Wild Cultures

Jenny’s favorite recipe for compost tea to feed to our cannabis plants:

Working with leftover grains, like rice or buckwheat, we place them into the woods near our farm field. In time, the grain begins to collect a wild culture that comes from the land itself, from the pollens and biology in the air. We then add wild flowers from the fields to the tea to feed that culture.

By using this method to create our compost teas, we give the plants a way to become more resistant and strong in relationship to pests and disease specific to our land. In the same way, creating a wild culture and economy around the abundance from our earth is a symbiotic way of giving back. This wild way of life is based around the farm and the land, and is free from the conformities of the 9 to 5 and the distention to nature that life brings. This wild culture way works with seasons and moon and sun cycles instead.

This regenerative way nourishes and frees, and brings abundance Farming cannabis in this way provides a real gift to the community. In leading Skyrose, my team and I are creating culture through community interdependent with the land and its abundance.